Monday, April 22, 2019

Speaking task - Third term - Updated

Resultado de imagen de speaking task

The speaking task for the third and last term of this year will consist of a monologue and a short interaction that will be done in class. You will do this task with the person following you on the class roll.

In the individual task or monologue, you will be given a set of two or three questions connected to a common topic. You will have some time to organize your ideas- you won't be allowed to take notes during this preparation time- and then, you will have to develop your questions in one and a half minute. Afterwards, your partner will ask you a question related to what you mentioned in your previous speech. This interaction will last for 30 seconds.

The rubric used to mark your performance will measure adequacy, cohesion, accuarcy and use of he language.

The speaking task will be developed throughout the second and third weeks of May. More details about the topics will be provided by your teacher.


You will have to be present at the assigned time.

Thursday 9th May
Vicente Bravo
Claudia Campino
Andrea Cantabrana
Ander Cantera
Alba Capellan
Maria De Rico
Samah Ellaouzi
Víctor Fernández
Javier Garrido
Friday 10th May
Emma Gómez
Daniel Gómez
Álvaro Leiva
Andrea Martínez
David Matute
Ane Monge
Friday 17th May
Nerea Pérez
Paola Ramírez
Lucía Requeta
Yaribey Sancho
Esteban Simbaña
Silvia Varona
Nerea Velilla
Claudia Bárcenas
Noelia Gómez

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