Monday, April 29, 2019


Answer Key

1 1-be made 2-be knocked 3-be checked 4-be woken 5-be translated 6-be found 7-be spent 8-be carried 9-be driven.

2 1-This road isn't very often used/ isn't used very often. 2-A new ring-road is being built round the city. 3-I didn't realize that our voice was being recorded. 4-The date of the meeting has been changed. 5-Brian told me that he had been attacked and robbed in the street.

3 1-The garage is cleaned every day. 2-He has been given a lot of money. 3-Two hundred people were arrested (by the police). 4-The words were written by Paul and the music (was) made by John. 5-Every car engine is thoroughly checked/ is checked thoroughly. 6-This computer is exported to seventy different countries. 7-The factory was opened at nine o'clock. 8-Two million books are sent to America every year. 9-Were you given enough sugar? 10-The pupils have never been taught to do that exercise. 11-The biggest sand castle in the world was built by John Hughes. 12-I was shown the palace where the king lived. 13-Have you ever been asked to tell the story? 14-The plants were watered and the floor (was) swept in my absence. 15-More alcohol is drunk by the Scots than the Irish. 16-Fortunately, the machinery was not damaged. 17-I was paid a lot of money to do the job. 18-The house is being painted and cleaned by Simon. 19-Deckerd was played by Harrison Ford in 'Blade Runner'.

 4 1-The theatre has been modernised. 2-That house is being built by Sanders and Company. 3-These orders must be obeyed. 4-The documents are kept in this drawer. 5-The letters were signed by the director. 6-It has been known for a long time. 7-The two cold and hungry children were carried down the mountain and taken into a warm room by the rescuers. 8-The arrival of the next plane was announced over the loudspeakers. 9-Were you sent the photographs which you were promised? 10-She was carefully shown how to do it. 11-I have been ordered a new diet (by the doctor). 12-Look what I have been given! 13-Poor John! He was run down by a bus. 14-New puzzle magazines are being brought out all the time. 15-Everything must be sold before the end of the month. 16-We were told to wait outside. 17-This article was sent in by our own correspondent. 18-The wrong headline has been put on this report. 19-Her face can be seen in every gossip column in the country. 20-It has to be seen to be believed.

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