Sunday, May 12, 2019

Classroom task 13/05/2019

Resultado de imagen de interview picture

Paso 1: Completar la ficha que tu profesora te dará en clase.
Paso 2: Crear preguntas para cada una de las respuestas
Paso 3: Entrevistar a tu compañero utilizando las preguntas que has creado arriba y anotar sus respuestas
Paso 4: Escribir un pequeño párrafo cn las respuestas obtenidas en la entrevista con tu compañero.

Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Classoom practice 8/05/2019


1.I washed my car yesterday. (have)
2.I cut my hair last week. (get)
3.I haven’t typed the documents yet. (have)
4.I wasn’t fixing my washing machine last Friday at 13:00. (get)
5.I am cutting my grass now. (have)
6.I paint my bedroom every year. (get)
7.I didn’t repair my fridge two days ago. (have)
8.I have recently tidied my garden. (get)
9.I will edit the article tomorrow. (have)
10.I am going to clean the carpets. (get)
11.I printed the photo. (have)
12.I should check my teeth. (get)
13.I must clean the windows. (have)
14.I made the necklace last Sunday. (get)
15.I am delivering the furniture at the moment. (have)
16.I had repaired the roof before the winter came. (get)
17.I haven’t written the report. (have)
18.I dyed my hair yesterday. (get)
19.I will send the money as soon as possible. (have)
20.I built the shed. (get)

1. Aquí se habla inglés y español
2. El joven murió en el accidente
3. La impresora se atasca si imprimes muchos documentos a la vez.
4. A los españoles no les gusta que se les ignore
5. No hables sin ser preguntado
6. Cervantes escribió el Quijote
7. La propina se incluye en el precio
8. El proyecto debería acabarse hoy
9. El actor recibió un premio ayer
10. Necesito echar gasolina a mi coche

Monday, April 29, 2019

Answer key 2

1.  A UFO was seen in the sky above London last night.  It was reported to the police.  A helicopter was sent by the army to look at it more closely.  The helicopter was shot down by the UFO and both men in it were killed.  Photographs of the UFO have been given to the police.  They are being looked at by experts now.
2.  A local jewellery shop was broken into yesterday.  The shop had just been locked up by the owner, when he was threatened by a robber with a gun.  He was told to unlock the shop and give the robber all the diamonds in the safe.  Then he was tied up.  A search for the robber has been organised by the police.  They hope he will be found in a few days.  The owner of the shop is being treated for shock.
3.  This picture was painted by my uncle.  He has been offered a lot of money for it.  It will be delivered tomorrow.  When my uncle is given the money, they will be told the truth.  It was painted one night while sleepwalking.
4.  A contest is being organised by our school.  The best project about the environment will be chosen by the teachers.  Pictures and drawings must be included in the student’s projects.  The writing will also have to be done by the students themselves.  The winner will be given a set of encyclopaedias.

** In some cases, there is more than one possibility.  If you have come up with a different solution, ask your teacher.