Sunday, October 28, 2018

Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Dick Whittington (Extra practice)

Dick Whittington

Image result for dick whittington

Once upon a time, there ________ a poor orphan boy _______ Dick Whittington. The people in his village __________ that the streets of London were paved with gold. So Dick ________ to travel there and become a rich man.

Dick _______ for many days, but when he _________ in London there were no streets of gold! Tired and hungry, he ______ asleep on the steps of a great house.

The house belonged to a rich businessman who _______ Dick and gave him a job cleaning the kitchen. Dick _______ very hard and was happy. He _______ enough to eat and at night he _______ sleep by the fire. There ______ a problem though! At night, rats ______ around the kitchen and _________ him awake.

So Dick ________ out and found the fastest rat-catching cat in London! The cat ________ all the rats that _________ into the house and Dick ________ sleep at night.

The businessman __________ about the amazing cat and _________ Dick if he ________ take it on his ship to catch rats on his next journey. Dick _______, but ________ very sad to see the cat go.

While the businessman _______ away, the other servants ________ very mean to Dick, so Dick __________ to run away. But as he was leaving, one of the great church bells _________. It _______- to say, ‘Turn back, Dick Whittington, Mayor of London!’

So Dick _________ back to the house and soon the businessman _________. He_______ very happy because Dick’s cat had caught all the rats on the ship. He _______ Dick a reward and __________ him to his assistant.

Dick _________ hard for the businessman and __________ everything he could. Eventually he ________ the businessmans daughter and _________ a very successful business of his own. And, yes, he did become Mayor of London!

Monday, October 8, 2018

Practice the present tense with Mr. Bean

Part 1

Which is the the correct answer?
1)     Mr Bean’s alarm clock goes off at 8.00 / 8.15 / 8.30 
2)     He puts the clock in the cupboard / a glass of water / a bag
3)     He continues reading a book / sleeping / watching TV

Part 2

Put the following in the correct order
Mr Bean…
A)    gets up
B)    walks into the wall
C)    shaves
D)    does some exercise
E)    opens the wardrobe and took out his clothes
F)     makes his bed
G)    wakes up and opened the curtains
H)    sees a sign with a picture of some teeth and the time

Part 3

Mr Bean gets dressed in the car.

3a) Which of the following clothes does he put on and in what order?


3b) What does he do after he gets dressed?

Saturday, October 6, 2018

Oral presentations

Oral presentations

The Note

Practise the simple past with Mr. Bean

Part 1
Which is the the correct answer?
1)     Mr Bean’s alarm clock went off at 8.00 / 8.15 / 8.30  
2)     He put the clock in the cupboard / a glass of water / a bag 
3)     He continued reading a book / sleeping / watching TV

Part 2
Put the following in the correct order
Mr Bean…
A)    got up
B)    walked into the wall
C)    shaved
D)    did some exercise
E)    opened the wardrobe and took out his clothes
F)     made his bed
G)    woke up and opened the curtains
H)    saw a sign with a picture of some teeth and the time

Part 3

Mr Bean got dressed in the car.

3a) Which of the following clothes did he put on and in what order?


3b) What did he do after he got dressed?